Our success is driven by our people and their commitment to get results the right way – by operating responsibly, executing with excellence and capturing new opportunities for profitable growth.


Northern Energy’s workforce includes experienced engineers and project managers ready to tackle any size commercial, industrial or government project, from low voltage systems to high voltage wiring.


Our certified electrical engineers, electrical technicians and support staff make it a point to stay up-to-date, educated and in compliance with national laws and ordinances, systems and construction permitting and security and safety guidelines from every applicable governing and regulatory body. We endeavour that no Malawian electrical contractor surpasses our quality, ability or level of dedication.

Ngwile Mwenifumbo Managing Partner/ Engineering Manager
HND (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
Lusayo Mwenifumbo Managing Partner/ Projects Manager
Msc PM
Binnie Banda Planning/Projects Manager
MscEng, CEng
Atusaye Mwenisongole Finance Manager
Linly Juga Quantity Surveyor/Projects Manager
Bsc Quantity Surveying